Achego Rescue Centre, Kenya
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Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19: 14
Rescue Centres receive funds for renos
Background: CRWRF helps fund rescue homes in Kenya. Mufu, Achego and Tumaini homes are Rescue centres that house children that are either orphaned or need short term housing while dealing with family issues at home. The hope is that most of these children are reunited back into the family home.
Situation: We recently became aware of some major renovation needs at all three of the homes. Broken beds, leaking roofs, smoke damage in the kitchens, damaged walls are all some examples of the repairs needed. The Board of CRWRF saw this need and made a one-time donation of $20,000CAD for the repairs to be completed. We look forward to the renovations being done and seeing new and updated photos in due time.